Informed career decision making process will help student to explore and evaluate the best potential opportunities for their career success and happiness.
Parents’ guidance and support is critical for student career exploration, because
- Parents have rich knowledge, experience and wisdom; although the student’s interests and talents may be very different from a parents, however, the the can still guide them in student career exploration - particularly by listening and advising.
- Students often choose their school or college options either without any research or under peer influence. This situation demands that parents encourage their children to gather all the relevant information to make an informed career choice, keeping in mind both the short- and long-term benefits of their decision.
- Attitude matters! stay positive and focused on a future of success. Motivate and encourage your children to develop a positive attitude and learn about a variety of occupations and industries.
- Appreciate and don't under-estimate or reject ideas that your children may come up with on their educational and career choices. Keep “your” choices to yourself.
- Explore opportunities together. Informal discussions about the world of work with your children can be productive, particularly after viewing an educational documentary or a TED talk!
- Your goal is to help your children find their own way based on their interests and skills and not follow your ideas and interests, which could prove counter-productive.
- Encourage your children to set goals. By starting early with goal setting and action planning, simple and rewarding goals will lead to extremely valuable skills for life and career.
- Be practical and realistic in your approach but don’t assume something isn’t possible.
- Encourage your child to explore their options through work experience and by talking to people in occupations that interest them.
- Let your children identify and select their area of interest.
The Action Plan
The career decision-making process described below includes activities that can be taken at any time from pre-high school and go through high school and post-secondary education.
- Enable self-awareness through valid and reliable assessments.
- Help your children to explore a variety of options with the goal of narrowing those options to a manageable few.
- Explore educational strategies that support a career direction. Evaluate educational options before choosing a school or college.
- Research school choices based on career direction and desired education. Not other way round.
- Create an action plan. Planning become much easier if your children have a challenging goal in front of them.
- Make a financial plan for your education. Explore all options available to get scholarships, financial aid, fellowships and interest free students loans. Many students of lower income families are provided with significant financial support who performed well academically.
- Take action. Motivate your child to work hard in school to build a strong foundation in math, reading, writing, computer skills, and science. The stronger the foundation, the more career options will be available later in life.
- Review and revise. As your child matures and gains more knowledge and experience, his/her interests may change.