Career Assessment for Students

Are you wondering, “What will I do when I grow up? What subjects will I study in high school? College? What kind of work will I do?”

Middle and primary school is a good time to begin asking these questions. But you can start asking these questions at secondary and college level too. It is a good time to explore . . . to learn about jobs and college/university/training options. And, it can be fun and interesting!

It also begins to get serious. For example, at the end of eighth grade many students must start the process of choosing college or university programs and its related courses in high school. You and your parents will want to learn about this and make a good decision.

The Career Key can help you. We recommend,

The Career Key® personality test. When you take the Career Key test you measure the strength of your six Holland personality types and identify jobs in Pakistan that match them.
  • You can also identify the career pathways and training programs that fit your personality and interests.
  • You get full and accurate information about each occupation, and get a 4-page booklet that explains the results.
Choosing a College or Training Program In this article you learn how to make this match following a 4-step process. A close personality-program match is vital. It is one of the predictors of academic success and satisfaction - grades earned and graduation (more . . .)

Identifying and strengthening your job skills. Job skills are what count in the workplace. With marketable skills you are in the driver’s seat. The Foundation Skills: Job Skills All Workers Need describes what they are.

Making good decisions. High Quality Decisions describes steps in making a good decision. Learning how to make good decisions is a “Foundation Skill”. You want to learn this skill, and use it when you make important decisions.

Learning about Dr. John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice. This article is one of our most popular. And it will explain you how and why you need to assess your interest for your career success.