Reliable transport vs. reliable transport

One of the most contradictory uses of terminology in communications concerns the word transport as used by the IETF and the ITU-T communities. To make matters worse, the term’s prevalent modifier reliable leads to even further divergence in meaning.To the Internet community, transport refers to the fourth layer of the OSI layer stack (a layer stack known to the ITU-T as X.200, but largely assumed

IETF79 - Beijing !

I haven’t had much time to blog of late, having to catch up on work since returning from Beijing.Beijing ? I hear you ask. Yes, the 79th IETF meeting was held 7-12 November in the Chinese capital.This was my 26’th IETF, and things have changed since my first meeting. Back in the “old days” the meetings were mostly in the US (e.g., Minneapolis in the winter) and occasionally in Europe. This was

OAM for flows

Continuing my coverage of the recent joint IESG/IAB design team on OAM, this time I want to discuss the issue of OAM for flows in Packet Switched Networks (PSNs).From a pure topology standpoint any communications network is imply a set of source ports (i.e., interfaces into which we may input information), a set of destination ports (i.e., interfaces from which we may receive information), and a