The Career Key Pakistan

Why the Career Key® Pakistan is # 1 source of choosing a career...?
  • Based on the latest science and best practices of career and college counselling;
  • Respected by professionals, worldwide;
  • One of a few scientifically valid career tests (it measures what is claimed);
  • Based on Holland's theory of career choice and best science and practices of career counselling;
  • Accurate, comprehensive information about matching occupations;
  • Featured in Wall Street Journal;
  • Licensed by top education companies;
  • Translated in many languages including Urdu;
  • Created by Dr. Lawrence K. Jones, NCC, counselling psychologist.
  • 30 million users since 1997;
The Career Key Pakistan has been adapted for use with Pakiatani students. It is available in both Urdu and English languages. 

Organization of The Career Key Pakistan

The Career Key Pakistan is organized according to the three basic principles of good decision making:

1. Know yourself 

Your strengths, values, personality, and skills. This will help you decide which choice best fits you.

To learn about occupations, go to Learn More about the Jobs that Interest Me, Learn about Occupations.

At High-Quality Decision Making you will learn a method based on many scientific studies that is widely used in business and medical settings. It is easy to understand and use.

Take the Career Key test to discover which Holland personality types you are most like. You can then match the results with the most promising careers, career pathways and training programs.

Read about Holland's Theory of Career Choice to understand how your success and satisfaction in a job, school, or college is related to your personality.

Do the activities in Learn More about Yourself and Identify Your Skills to understand yourself better.

2. Know your options

Job Satisfaction will help you optimize your job satisfaction when you choose a career or a job. It can also help you analyze why you are dissatisfied in your job, if you are one of the many who are.

To learn about education options, go to Choose a College or Training Program.

Are you thinking of strengthening your job skills but you are unsure which ones are important? See The Foundation Skills.

3. Make a good decision

Still not sure? Go to Career Indecision and consider getting help from a professional counsellor: Career and Educational Counselling

CAPping routed and SDN networks

In my last blog entry I discussed two differences between SDN and conventional networking. The second was that SDN returns to centralized control as compared to a distributed control plane (I’ll return to the first difference in just a moment). And this means that there is a single point of failure, even if the controller itself has built-in redundancy.

There has been discussion in the OpenFlow